
NIPER Library

Library Rules & Regulations

1. The Library & Information Centre (LIC)

The Library & Information Centre of National Institute of Pharmaceutical Education and Research Kolkata (NIPERK) is a specialized library. The collection of the Library & Information Centre shall comprise of documents (macro, electronic etc.) on Pharmacy and allied subjects.

1.1. Definitions
  • ‘Borrower’ means a person who borrows items from the Library.
  • ‘Items’ means any documents of the Library.
  • ‘Member’ means registered member of Library
  • ‘User’ means one who uses the Library.
2. Administration: 2.1. LIC Committee:

The general management of the LIC shall be vested in a LIC Committee, which will consist of the following members:

  • Dean, Chairman
  • One Member from each Departments
  • Library & Information Officer, Member Secretary
  • Two representatives from student community

The LIC Committee will meet periodically

2.2. Budget

The LIC Committee will suggest to the Director for developmental activities and the purchase of books, journals, furniture, equipment etc. for the library. The committee will prepare budget according to cost and the same be submitted to the Competent Authority.

2.3. Donated Books: All donated books and other materials will be maintained in separate register and the same will be served to the users
3. Membership:

Only registered members of NIPERK Library can use the library. Members should always bring their membership card while using the library.

3.1. Internal Membership:

All faculty, staff members and students at the institute are automatically eligible for the membership of the institute library. Those who intend to use the library facilities are required to apply themselves as members of library by filling the prescribed form. Prescribed application form will be issued from the library.

3.2. External Membership:

If interested, members from the public may apply for the membership, the same needs to be approved by the Competent Authority, concerned person must pay the consultation fees (non-refundable) accordingly. Library consultation fees are mentioned bellow.

Minimum for 1 month = Rs. 200.00 Maximum for 6 months = Rs. 500.00

External members can consult books, journals, and documents inside the library after getting the library card. They will not be able to borrow any documents from the library.

3.3. The library authority, whose decision is final, takes the decision regarding acceptance of membership.
4. Loan Procedure:
4.1 Loan Periods and Loan Entitlement:

Library documents will be issued to the members against membership card. A borrower will have to bring his/her library card at the time of issuing and returning of documents. A student can borrow 2 (two) books for 30 (thirty) days and faculty/staff members can borrow 4 (four) books for 90 (ninety) days.

4.2. Over dues and Fines:

After the due date, a fine will be charged of Rs.2.00 per day per book. A borrower may not be allowed to borrow books/documents again unless he/she has paid the late fee dues. The maximum fine will be Rs.500.00 per book and the borrower will be suspended from the library facilities until due payment is made. If a borrower will not pay library dues, the same will be deducted from the security deposit.

4.3. Payment of Overdue/Book Lost Charges:

Overdue fine & lost book charges will be collected by the library and same will be deposited time to time to the Accounts Section of NIPER-Kolkata.

4.4. Re-issue of Books:

The books shall be re-issued to the same borrower at one time only. But there is a demand for the book, the request for renewal may be turned down by the library.

4.5. The library can recall books and publications at any time if need arises. 4.6. Documents, Not for Loan:

Reference Books, Loose Journals, CD/DVD and Dissertation will be available only for consultation in the reading room. These will not be issued on loan.

4.7. Book Reservation:

Reservation can be made for 1 book at a time through library Online Public Access Catalogue (OPAC). Only items designated for loan can be reserved. When a reserve book comes in, the library will notify trough email and the borrower must collect the same within 2 working days.

4.8. Condition of Loan:

Borrowers must satisfy themselves about the physical condition of the books before borrowing. They shall be responsible for any damage noticed at the time of returning the book(s)/document(s).

4.9. Loss of Book(s):

Loss of book(s) must be immediately brought to the notice to the Library In-Charge to avoid overdue charges being added to the replacement charges. Otherwise, overdue price will be applicable along with replacement of the lost item. A book/document lost or damaged by a borrower shall have to be replaced by him/her with the same or latest edition of those documents along with processing charge of Rs. 50.00. Photocopied documents will not be accepted as replacement. If lost item is unavailable in the market, then 2 times price plus processing fee Rs.50.00 will be charged from the defaulter.

4.10. Book Damage:

Will be treated as lost. Mutilation (cutting, tearing) in any form and defacing marking, writing etc on any library materials are strictly prohibited. Infringement of the above by any individual may require replacement of the book.

4.11. Loss of card:

Loss of cards should be reported immediately with GD to the local police station and Library & Information Centre failing which books issued on card shall be responsibility of card holders. For duplicate library card, charges Rs. 100.00 per card.

5. General Rules
  • 5.1. By the act of using any facility of the library, a user agrees to abide by the rules of the library.
  • 5.2. Members will not be allowed to use library in absence of the membership card.
  • 5.3. Library membership card is not transferable.
  • 5.4. Silence must be observed in the library. Sleeping is prohibited in the library.
  • 5.5. Mobile phones and other devices likely to cause disturbance shall always be in silent mode. Phone/mobile call is strictly prohibited inside the library.
  • 5.6. Portable computers may be used after taking necessary permission from the library authority.
  • 5.7. No person may misplace, misfile, misuse, damage or attempt to damage any library resources. The members shall be responsible for any damage done to the documents or any other property belonging to the library and shall be required to replace such library resources/property damaged or to pay the value thereof.
  • 5.8. Members are responsible for update within 7 days of his/her communication details if change (e-mail ID, mobile number, and address). If not, the library
  • shall not responsible if any problems arise in the future.
  • 5.9. All members associated with Institute should obtain No Dues Certificate from the library after submitting the membership card.
  • 5.10. Unauthorized removal of documents is it a single page or several items, will be treated as a serious offense and shall have to replace by the defaulter as per 4.9
  • 5.11. Regarding the selection of book/journal (hard copy/e-books, journals etc.) the library committee will make the selection of books/journals.
  • 5.12. Inside Library, smoking, betel chewing, eating, intoxication in any form or gossiping, carrying polythene bags and personal belongings are strictly prohibited.
  • 5.13. After reading the newspaper/other review etc. documents it should be kept to the proper place as to get easy access for other access.
  • 5.14. Overdue notices by letter or email or telephonic messages may be sent as a courtesy to members. However, it is the responsibility of the member to return library resources on time and pay the overdue fines whether he/she has received notice.
  • 5.15. Library resources that are not returned even after notice period, a member may have his/her borrowing privileges restricted.
  • 5.16. Library Timing: Monday to Friday – 10:30am – 05:30pm except holiday.

Facilities at the Library
Research Publication
Library Team
Online Library Catalogue
Digital Library
ONOS e-journals